Photo credit: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
DWR, UDOT receive over 3K reports of wildlife killed by vehicles through Roadkill Reporter app after first year
Posted Dec. 18, 2023
“A year after launching the Utah Roadkill Reporter app, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Utah Department of Transportation have learned some important things about wildlife migration from the submitted data. …
“During the first year of the app’s release, a total of 3,843 animals were reported with it. Roughly 98% of the reported animals killed by vehicles were mule deer — a total of 3,611 deer. …
“‘Through this data, we are learning about new locations where animals are being hit by vehicles,’ DWR Utah Wildlife Migration Initiative Coordinator Blair Stringham said. ‘We are also collecting information about species that we haven’t had before, particularly for small animals like badgers. We are using this data to identify wildlife-vehicle collision hotspots on the roadways.'”