Eagle Mountain Migration Corridor detection system
Photo credit: Utah DWR
DWR, UDOT and other partners complete 7 structures to help wildlife and fish safely migrate across Utah in 2023
Posted Jan. 11, 2024
“The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Utah Department of Transportation, as well as other partners, are working hard to reduce wildlife/vehicle collisions around the state and to make it easier for wildlife and fish to make important annual migrations. In 2023, the agencies and other partners installed seven different structures that help fish and wildlife migrate safely in various areas throughout Utah…
“‘We are really excited about the grants that we have been able to secure to establish more wildlife crossings across Utah in conjunction with the migration data provided by the DWR,’ UDOT Natural Resource Manager Matt Howard said. ‘We’ve learned a lot about these funding processes and are hopeful that we can continue to obtain the necessary funding to implement additional wildlife structures across the state to keep wildlife and drivers safe.’…
“UDOT has secured funding for some upcoming projects, as well.”