Partnerships are the lifeblood of the Utah Wildlife Migration Initiative. They are critical because wildlife often move long distances across various ownerships, which requires many landowners, conservation groups and agencies to conserve those large-scale movements.

Partners contribute to the Wildlife Migration Initiative by donating financial resources, infrastructure, equipment, labor and technical expertise. They also provide, collect and analyze wildlife movement data so it can be used to plan conservation projects. Check out the growing list of Wildlife Migration Initiative partners below:

Brigham Young University
Utah Department of Transportation
Mule Deer Foundation
Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife
Trout Unlimited
Utah State University
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Forest Service
National Park Service
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality
Utah Division of State Parks
Dugway Proving Ground
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Sageland Collaborative
Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative
Muley Fanatic Foundation, Oquirrh/Stansbury Utah Chapter
Utah Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit Association
Utah Archery Association
Utah Wild Sheep Foundation
Arizona Game & Fish Department
Central Utah Water Conservancy District
Wyoming Game & Fish Department
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Safari Club International, Utah Chapter
Utah Division of Water Rights
Utah Division of Water Resources
Wildlands Network
United States Geological Survey
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
Wyoming Migration Initiative
University of Wyoming
Hill Air Force Base